Instant Benefits that Motivate You to Quit Smoking


Sometimes motivation comes from simple things which contribute enormously to success. The same is true when it comes to making an attempt to quit smoking. The reality is that you will enjoy great benefits within hours after smoking your last cigarette. This is a great motivation booster for every smoker determined to get rid of their bad habit for good.

Normal heart rate and blood pressure are the health benefits that you will get less than half an hour after smoking your last cigarette. You may notice that you feel fresher and even more focused and relaxed at the same time. Even if you do not realize the immediate effects, you will be happy about the fact that your risk of heart attack and stroke has dropped considerably for the half an hour during which you have been smoke free.

Your skin will become smoother and softer just 24 hours after you quit smoking. You will have successfully stopped the premature aging process that smokers go through. Another great benefit is that you will be less likely to experience shortness of breath. Your lungs will soon be almost perfectly free from the substances that prevent them from functioning optimally.

Fresh breath is another benefit that you will enjoy just days after having your last cigarette. You will certainly enjoy the freshness in your mouth. You will feel more comfortable talking to people. You will smile more. Within weeks, you will notice an improvement in the color of your teeth as well. A whiter smile is bound to boost your self confidence.

Higher energy level is what you will get in around three days after you quit smoking. Your lungs will be much cleaner and you will start enjoying the benefits of having more oxygen in your body. Having higher energy levels will allow you to perform all your daily tasks more effectively and with greater concentration. You will be able to exercise more and this is great for all people who want to quit for good.

A fuller sense of smell and taste will make you feel good after you quit smoking. You will be able to enjoy pleasant aromas more vividly. You will notice that foods and drinks taste much better. Basically, you will be able to use your senses normally once again to experience some of the most precious joys in life.

In two to twelve weeks after quitting smoking, you will be much healthier and you will see the wrinkles on your face getting smaller as more oxygen and nutrients reach the cells of your body.


NicoDerm CQ is a three step program.You start with the highest level of medicine and gradually step down your dose.Reduce withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving, associated with quitting smoking.

  • Stop-It Smoking is a 2-Part smoking cessation kit designed to help you quit smoking without the use of nicotine.
  • It works by reducing tobacco cravings, nervous tension and irritability related to nicotine withdrawal.

homeopathic approach

To Increase Your Success in Quitting:
  • 1. You must be motivated to quit.
  • 2. Use Enough - Chew at least 9 pieces of Nicorette per day during the first six weeks.
  • 3. Use Long Enough - Use Nicorette for the full 12 weeks
  • 4. Use with a support program as directed in the enclosed User's Guide.